Thursday, October 30, 2008

Well, before this morning I hadn't worked at the new church in two weeks, so it had been going slow... but so much has changed in the last 24 hours.

Without going into too much detail (as to not bore you), I have entered into an alliance with someone at church, someone that I should have been partnered up with a long time ago, but because of my personal problems I did not allow that to happen. Thankfully, I have forgotten the past, and now look forward to working with him in the weeks, months, and years to come.

We also got to work up at the new building today... WOW, what a difference a bit of carpet can make! (see the photo gallery above to see pictures) Because of the carpet, we can now start doing some real work, cleaning things up, attaching cables to things... all the fun stuff that I have been waiting for.

So anywho, things are (for real) now starting to get busy. I hope to soon give a "tour" of the place, to show off all of the new toys... but that won't be for another couple of weeks (I had originally planned on doing it by now, but now it probably won't be until near or after Thanksgiving). Please pray for us as we do these installations; please pray that we make the best decisions, that we are lead in everything that we do, and that God keeps us safe.




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