Friday, October 3, 2008

AUMC is being covered with videos.

From two Sundays ago to three Sundays from now, we will average two videos a Sunday. This is a huge upgrade from before when we would play at most two videos a month. The videos these five weeks all fit into one of three categories: "Satan Interviews" (we still have one left), announcements, or "Giving Interviews" (a two week video series that will give the testimonies of people in the congregation).

This explosion of videos is both a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing because personally, I am a video guy. I enjoy producing, making, and showing videos. And from every account that I have heard we are getting great responses from the congregation about the videos (which is good, because I was slightly worried that the older portion of our members wouldn't appreciate it as much). It is also a curse because it is a lot of work for me to do all of the pre-production, shooting, editing, finalizing, and everything else that goes along with creating videos. But it is a mixed curse, because while it is a lot of work, I enjoy the work; it is fun for me. One half of me regrets that I am doing this for (almost) no pay, while the other half is glad that I am able to use the talent that God gave me to glorify his Kingdom.

Today I was working on the "Giving Interviews" (as I am calling it, there is no official name for these videos). Below is a screenshot of the timeline. It is relatively simple (Actually more simple than the Satan Interviews because while both interviews were two camera shoots, during the "Giving Interview" both of the cameras were basically the same shot. Also, the audio is much better this time around, I didn't have to tweak every sentence like I did with the other videos.). The music is "In the Midst" by Russell Martin (permission pending, but I doubt that he will say "No").

(click for full size)

Anywho, I am off to bed. We will be working at the new building in the morning, hanging choir speakers and such. Wish us luck!




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