Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wow, it has been a month with no update, and five months without updating the picture of the building... And now things are starting to heat up, things are happening, meetings are being met, and while the move-in date for the church has been moved back (again again again), the ball has finally started to roll.

Oh well. No one ever checks this blog, so why even post?

Which of course is not true. I get the smackling of random Google searches (who searches for "what will being a leader now do for me in the future"?), and I have one or two loyalists who check it regularly (Hi mom and Joe!). But outside of that, not many people swing by here.

And it isn't a problem, I don't mind. First, I never really update. Second, this is a very niche blog, speaking about an audio/video team at a small Texas church.

So why even post, or have the blog? Is it narcissism that keeps me posting here? (I sure hope not!)

Actually, the specific reason that I wanted to post today is two fold: A) so that I can get back into the habit of posting here, and B) so that in three months when I build up a ministry team that uses this blog, the archives won't be empty.

Anywho, I will (I hope) soon start posting about the goings on. I was going to add other updates to this post, but I wanted this post to be a random set of thoughts and musings from me, and I will get the real updates in their own post(s).

Anywho again, thanks for reading this. I hope that you will hear from me soon.




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