Sunday, July 13, 2008

Another random idea:

For our "new service" (IE: when we get into the new building), we could have a "Featured Ministry" video every week.

Each week we feature a different ministry of AUMC (or something in the surrounding area like the Food Bank). The video would be about a minute long, and it would include an interview with someone in the ministry which may be a testimonial about how it has changed someone's life, or how they are active in the ministry. Then it would give information about how to join/help the ministry.

I imagine this video being played after the "greet your neighbors" part of the service. It creates a nice bumper to help people get back in their seats, instead of Todd interrupting everyone's conversation.

Suggesting things like this is dangerous for me, because I will be the one doing all of the work! But I figure with a one minute video, all I need is half an hour for b-roll, half an hour for an interview, and an hour or two for editing, this could be an under-5-hours per week thing for me, and I think it would be a great ministry in and of itself.

What are your thoughts?



Joe Stobaugh said...

I love it! I think the video ministry moment has got something!!!!


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