Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Just to let our tech guys know: I have re-wired our wireless mics. We had one body pack in the shop, but we got it back, so it seamed like a good time. They are all the Senheiser mics except for W1 (which is Kory's new body pack). They are as follows:
W1: Kory
W2: Tod
W3: Liz
W4: Joe
W5: HH
W6: Janet Jackson mic
W7: Janet Jackson mic

Theoretically, all of the receivers have been renamed, all of the body packs have been renames, and they are all working. However, I could not find the Senheiser wireless handheld (it used to be W4), therefore it still has the old label on it. Anyone know where it is?



Anonymous said...

Matthew, how do people know that there is a new entry on the blog? I think we may need to stick with email for now since I doubt everyone (including myself) will remember to continually check the blog.


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