Monday, December 1, 2008

I just wanted to throw out a quick update. Due to Thanksgiving, not much progress has been made in the past week. However, there are a few things that have happened.

As you can see from my last post, the large front screen has been hung and the projector has been aligned to it. I haven't seen it in action, so I am looking forward to that.

Also, the new computer for the booth has been ordered (on Black Friday for extra savings). It should be in in a few days, and I look forward to playing with that new toy... err, umm, that new pice of equipment. Ya.

Overall, things are coming together. The computer is the last large pice of equipment that we will have to install, so from here on out it is the small things we have to worry about.

Right now, lots of thoughts are going through my head; about how I am excited that this process is drawing to a close; about how I am looking forward to our first Sunday; about how I am looking forward to leading a team of volunteers. So far, my involvement in the new building has been helping James install things and making decisions about where equipment will go. Soon, though, I will be busy training volunteers, testing the system, practicing with the band, and soon running services in our new building. I can't wait to praise God in our new sanctuary.




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