Thursday, March 13, 2008

*whew* I don't want to ever see the PowerPoint window again! Or at least until tomorrow.

Because I will be out of town all next week on a mission trip, I had to create four PPT files this week: Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. And because the Thursday and Friday services are full of liturgy/scripture reading, it took extra long to make those. I usually spend no more than 45 minutes on any given PPT file, but tonight, I have been working in PowerPoint for well over five hours...

And I am happy to say, that except for one item, I got everything done! That one item was a scripture reading: John 18:1-19:42, which is extremely long. It would have been 70 slides long, doubling the length of the PPT right now, and it would have taken me close to an hour just to get that one scripture put into PowerPoint.

Yes, right about now, I would greatly appreciate a non-linear presentation software, so that all I would have to do is say "I want John 18:1-19:42" and it displays it. Oh well, maybe next time.

And yes, I am still waiting to give you news about our new AV system. It was my understanding that people wanted to sign the contract last week, but still nothing has happened. Trust me, you will know when it happens.



Joe Stobaugh said...

Dude, you are the man! Thank you so much for all of your hard work!!!! I hope the mission trip is a God-filled experience!


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