Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hey all! I have three things for you today.

1) We have been having problems with the computer in the booth recording the service (the signal is peaking too much, leaving the recording useless), so I have installed a Behringer MDX-2600 COMPOSER PRO-XL COMPRESSOR. I read through the manual, and have a basic idea of what each knob does, but I don't know how to use the knobs to make a better (less peak-y) sound. If you have any idea, feel free to let me know!

2) I have uploaded more pictures into the gallery! I usually upload pictures every other week, so always check out the latest! If I have some free time sometime soon, I want to make an interactive map using the layout of the church so you can tell where the pictures were taken. If I have the time...

3) OK, this is on the personal side of things, but I still have to share it. The other night I had one of those dreams that you don't want to wake from because good things are happening. I dreamed that Liz (our children's director) met me at lunch and gave me what I have always wanted: an iPhone. And it wasn't even an iPhone, it was TWO iPhones! She wanted me to use them for the ministry. One was 2 gig and one was 8 gig, and I told her "I can tell that you bought the two gig a while ago because they don't offer the two gig any more, and you bought the eight gig recently because they just started offering that one a few months ago" (I know that this is not true, but that is what I said). So anyway, if anyone wants to buy an iPhone for the AUMC AV "team" (or just me), donations are greatly appreciated.




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